You can select and book your apartment directly on our website by using our booking tool.
Once you have chosen an apartment, click on 'Book now'.
- Register and fill in all your required details, otherwise your booking will be cancelled automatically.
- A new contract is then generated
- Sign the contract and fill in the SEPA form.
- The apartment is now reserved for you for 3 days. After you have uploaded a valid proof of study in your tenancy portal and we have checked and approved it, please pay the deposit to complete the reservation, but no later than 3 days from the time of booking. Otherwise, the reservation will be automatically cancelled after 3 days.
- Once we receive your deposit, we will countersign your tenancy agreement and email it back to you. From this point on, your tenancy agreement is binding.
If you do not see an available apartment, we are currently fully booked.
However, there is still a chance that an apartment will become available. So, feel free to check our homepage from time to time.
You have received an error message; have questions about the booking process or other problems with the booking? Please contact us via our contact form.
What do I have to do after I receive my rental contract?
The first monthly costs must be transferred to the account stated in the tenancy agreement at least 14 days before moving in.
If you have not yet been able to provide us with SEPA Direct Debit, the first month's costs must be transferred and credited to our bank account below no later than 14 days before the start of the tenancy agreement, in order to enable move-in. However, in this case, you are still obliged to provide us with a valid SEPA Direct-Debit Form at the latest 14 days after your tenancy agreement starts so that we may charge your future monthly costs directly
We also ask you to arrange a move-in date in advance via our calendar. More information can be found here.
What documents do I need when booking?
We require your valid study certificate and proof of private liability insurance. Student enrolment must begin before or with the start of the tenancy agreement. It is unacceptable to book with a letter of study acceptance with a later commencement date than the booking start date (i.e., the acceptance letter confirming your start of study in September will not be accepted for a reservation request from July/August).
More information can be found here.
What documents must I show during move-in?
At your move in you need to show your ID card.
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